Wowzers, sorry about being MIA! I’ve been pretty exhausted this week and we had a lot going on. I figured I would check in and give you guys a status report on some of our projects:
I’m nearing the end on the closet transformation! We have to order trim and our seat cushion but other than that all I have left to do is build the box to house our shoes. Here’s what it looks like as of last night:
I haven’t decided if I’m going to keep it all white or if I want to break it up with some gray or add some architectural detail with beadboard. I’m going to live with it like it is for a couple of weeks and see how I feel about it then. The photos on the shelf are only there temporarily. The plan is to get some baskets like these that match the ones in our laundry room to use for storing phone chargers and other random items that are otherwise homeless. So far, I’m really loving how it’s turning out!
We started hanging our cabinet doors back up last night! We still have quite a few to hang tonight and the drawers still need to be painted but it’s a far cry from where we were at not too long ago. Here’s a look at the built in pantry – only half nekkid now instead of the full monty:
I hinted a few posts back about another project we had going on while we were waiting for the doors to dry. We decided to replace all of our brown slab doors with these that we bought at Home Depot.
We started hanging them the other night and were having some major issues because 1) the hinges weren’t in the exact right spot and 2) one of the doors wasn’t the right size (whoops!). Our plan is to go ahead and get those hung this weekend and then paint them as we have time.
The last thing we’ve been working on, one piece at a time, is our front porch. Right now it’s like a cave so our plan is to lighten it up a bit. Here’s a sketch of what we’re kind of going for.
I hesitated to show this – I didn’t want anyone to feel inferior because my art skills are so incredibly amazing, but in the end I decided I didn’t want to deprive the world of such talent.
All of this basically means that we should have lots of reveal posts coming up within the next couple of weeks…not to mention we’ll (finally) be moving our kitchen stuff over and cooking real food again, woo!
[…] now, do you remember when I showed off my art skills with a drawing of our front porch plan? Well, there’s not much to show because right now it’s looking really rough. We still […]