Dropping in to give a little update on where we are and where we are going from here.
1 – Landscaping.
The weather has been all over the place lately and we haven’t spent much time working outside. We got our grass seed down, and our new foundation plants in but that’s pretty much it. We’ve decided to hold off on a few things until the spring, namely installing edging and putting down our mulch beds. We did mulch around our new foundation plants, but we will be putting down more after we install the edging in the spring. We’ve also decided to hold off on refinishing the front porch. Turns out we have some rot we have to deal with and things need to be replaced so we felt like it makes the most sense to wait until the spring since we’re getting ready to dive into the holidays and we’ll be short on time, money, and patience.
2 – Painting.
Yep, we’re finally going to start re-painting our grey-purple downstairs! We thought this would be a good winter project since we’ll be trapped inside anyway. The bad news? We discovered a while ago that the whole house (we think) was actually covered in wall paper which was painted over by the previous owners instead of removed. Some of it seems to be started to come off the walls so we decided to make things right which means removing all of the painted over wall paper. I can’t imagine this is going to be fun and I’m sure more than a few inappropriate words will be shouted.
3 – Kitchen Tile.
We picked up the tile to start our backsplash! We thought this would be another good winter project for us.
4 – Master Closet.
I’m not giving away any details on this one. Just know, I am very excited.
5 – Dining Table.
Several months ago, we purchased lumber to build a new dining room table. Our old one is pretty shot and I bought it from a fellow graduate at the end of senior year so it wasn’t really a quality piece (and I’m sure leaving it on our porch for several months in ridiculous monsoon conditions didn’t help…whoops!). Well, we finally started on it! We’ve been working on the table top today and we still have a lot to do but so far we’re really happy with it.
6 – Cat Closet.
A closet for our cats. Currently in progress and 1000% more frustrating than I thought it would be – is anyone surprise? Not really? Yeah, that’s what I figured.
We’re in the middle of both the dining room table and the cat closet and hope to have them both finished in the next week and a half or so. We probably won’t work on much else until after Christmas but I do still plan on posting at least once a week. In fact, I have lots of kitchen things to discuss (whaaaaaat?!) and I plan on doing some more seasonal decorating right after Thanksgiving so I’ll be sure to share what’s going on there.
Table is looking great! Never a dull moment around there!
Oh wow! Look at you DIYers! I do a lot myself too, but never to that extent! Respect!