I thought I would give you an update on the plans I mentioned in this post since things have changed a little over the last couple of months.
First, most of our outdoor time has been spent in the Great Ivy Battle of 2015. Ivy is a pain in the butt and we’ve spent many, many weekends pulling it out of the ground and off of our trees.
Because of that, we’re holding on phase one of our fence until the weather cools off in the fall. We’re already experiencing temps in the 90s and the humidity has been no joke lately. Add in our daily thunderstorms and it’s just not the ideal time for fence installation and staining. We already have some of the materials and we’ve been clearing the area where the fence will go so hopefully in September it’ll start to cool off enough to where we feel comfortable tackling the project.
We’re also holding on the walkway but that’s mostly because we’re not sure what to do there. All of the brick has been pulled up but we ended up not loving the pavers so those went back to Home Depot. Right now, we’re rocking a mulch + stepping stone set up; complete with overgrown monkey grass, random trees, and a weedy parking pad.
It’s fine for now but eventually I’d like to have a legitimate walkway so that when we’re entertaining out back, people can just walk around this side and through the future fence gate.
We were also going back and forth over the area behind the garage but we’ve settled back on our lower deck plan and we’re still on track to get it done late this fall/early winter. As long as that goes smoothly, we’ll still be on track to put in our upper deck next Spring.
Since we’re kind of in a holding pattern outside (well ya know, other than fighting the good fight against the ivy) we’ve managed to get a few projects done inside including the frame for my dry erase board and finishing up the guest bathroom. We’re also working on our master closet project this weekend and I’m hoping to finish the accent wall in our study.
IVY SUCKSSSS. Heat sucks too.
Seriously. It got over 100 today. LOL NOPE.