We haven’t really made much progress on our goal list this month but we did tweak the list a little. We’ve decided to hold on the upper deck project for this year and instead wrap it into the kitchen renovation next year. We are planning on moving forward with building our lower deck instead so that we still have an outdoor area to use this fall. While I’d love to get rid of the scary current deck, this new plan makes the most sense for us right now.
Anyway, here’s where we are now. I really need to start working on the front door and I have the paint for the study, I just haven’t had the motivation. We’ve been spending a lot of time on the sofa during the week and our weekends have been dedicated to yard work or traveling.
-Demo current deck – Postponed to 2017
-Clean garage…again – Done!
-Build new, bigger deck – Postponed to 2017
-Refinish very old but new to us front door – Started at the end of 2015.
-Install front door
-Repaint the study
-Add built ins in the study?
-Add crown moulding in the study?
-Create new area for dogs
-Remove dog crates from master bedroom
-Caulk windows – Started. All downstairs windows have been caulked. 0/4 upstairs windows have been done.
-Paint master bedroom?
-Clean up side/back/front yards – Started. Currently focusing on smaller side yard.
-Price out all aspects of kitchen remodel
-Stain fence
-Extend fence?
-Remove trees? – Removed dead oak in front yard.
-Remove shed?
-New flooring in entry/study/living room. – Mostly done! We just need to add the thresholds and then install the baseboards in the living room. – Done!
-Paint living room. – Done!
-Stain beams in living room. – Done!
-Build/stain lower deck
-Read 26 books – can be re-reads or never before reads, but must come from books we already own – On track. Finished #6 and 200 pages into #7.
-Go on an awesome vacation – Booked and paid for!
-Lose 20lbs – This is not going well. I’m working out a ton but I’m having a lot of trouble getting my eating under control. We eat out way too often!
-Tone and tighten once I finish losing these last 20lbs. – Three of my weekly workouts are dedicated to toning.
-Walk the dogs more – We took them on a short walk last weekend. Hoping to do it again at least once this coming weekend. They play in the backyard a lot so the walks are just to give them a change of scenery.
-Use my craft room – I rarely use this room and that’s pretty lame
-Get a new look for the blog
Happy Friday! Fingers crossed for a productive weekend.
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