TGIF for real. This week has been rough and I feel like I’ve barely gotten anything done at work or at home. Actually I’ve gotten nothing done at home other than finish the first season of Grace and Frankie on Netflix and start season 2.
1 – If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen that Barley is spending a minimum of 10 days in a cone and a diaper.
She had a minor surgery on Tuesday and now we’re in recovery mode. We were supposed to bring her home on Tuesday evening but when they tried to get her out of the crate at the vet she busted her incision and had to stay the night. She’s starting to adapt to the cone but still bumps it or gets stuck sometimes. We’re dog sitting this weekend so that should be interesting. I’m hoping she’ll be out of this in 10 days but our vet stressed that 10 is the absolute minimum so it could be longer. We’ll find out next Friday at her 10 day check up.
2 – I recently starting listening to my iPod again which hasn’t been updated since 2009 or something ridiculous like that and have rediscovered my love of Dashboard Confessional. I’ve been listening basically nonstop in my car and on Spotify at work. Kyle never got into them much which makes me question our entire relationship.
3 – It’s supposed to snow this weekend which would be fine except for the fact that we’re supposed to go see Old Dominion tomorrow night which I’ve been looking forward to. If it does snow, the city will likely pretty much shut down (welcome to the south, y’all) which will mean the snow has ruined plans for 2 years in a row. Last year I was supposed to spend a weekend in Charlotte to see Wicked with my best friend but we ended up snowed in so I took my anger out on the parquet floors in our foyer. I doubt we’ll be equally productive this weekend.
4 – Why are things so expensive? I’m kind of in love with this mirror from west elm but I have a hard time paying over $400 for a mirror even though this one is huge and probably worth the price. It would look great over the cabinet we picked out for the foyer though.
5- I recently bought one of these glass infuser bottles and I’m kind of obsessed with it. Right now I’m drinking cucumber lemon water but I think I’m also going to try strawberry water. Ohhh maybe strawberry basil. If you like flavored water, I definitely recommend it. I used to drink a lot of water but have gotten really slack the last few months. I think this water bottle will help (when I remember to take it to work).
Hope everyone has a great weekend! If we are snowing in, I might try to get started on one of our projects but it’s also possible that I’ll just read or watch Netflix all weekend. Kyle has been sick this week and I feel like I might just need another weekend of doing nothing so we’ll see.
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