It’s Friday! I decided I’m going to try to get back to doing my Friday Five posts but I’m taking the “five” part away. So now it’ll just be however many random things have happened or are on my mind for the week.
OG turned 2 months on Wednesday and it feels like there’s no possible way she’s already 2 months old but on the other hand it feels like there’s no she’s only 2 months old. Girl has been a champion sleeper at night recently (knock on wood) but she’s not a great napper so I guess it’s a trade off. Here she is on the day we brought her home vs the day she turned 2 months:
I’ve been back to work for 3 weeks now which is kind of insane to me. Luckily, my company has been letting me work from home full time but I only have one more week of that perk left and then it’s back to the office. Part of me is ready and part of me could keep working from home forever and never put on real pants again.
We haven’t done any house projects since bringing OG home but the Spring One Room Challenge is about a month away so I’ve been scheming for that; it’ll be interesting to see how much we get done with a newborn. I think we’re also going to repaint almost the entire downstairs soon. I just can’t get a good grey for this house so we’re going to try out some white paints and see if anything clicks. I’m not really a huge fan of white walls but this purple grey needs to go and I’m in the double digits in terms of number of grey paint samples I’ve tried so it is what it is.
The weather is starting to turn and I’m so freakin’ excited I can hardly stand it. I can’t wait to have the windows open and spend some good time outdoors with OG and the pups. It looks so inviting out right now but it’s still too cold for me.
I went to my first postpartum CycleBar class last weekend (which was my first postpartum workout period) and holy crap was it tough. I knew it would be but I’m really glad I went. I’m not sure the next time I’ll go because my times for working out are pretty limited and I need to start getting back into running shape since I have a 5k coming up in just over a month but I definitely will be going back at some point. The worst part of the class (and probably the worst part for the next several I go to) was getting used to that bike seat again. Yikes.
That’s it for me. Have a great weekend!
That tree looks so beautiful! We have white outside too but it is all snow?. Good for you for getting back to exercise class….always hard to get going again but feels so good once you get used to it. Good luck with those whites…. looking forward to seeing what you pick and seeing OG! Only 2 more weeks!