You guys, if our kid doesn’t remember how to sleep through the night soon we’re going to crack. Thank goodness for Kyle killin’ the Dad game and getting OG back to sleep most nights. We’re very lucky that she was such a good sleeper there for a few months but we’re struggling right now and all I want to do is take a day long nap.
The other day, we were talking about our plethora of house projects and trying to figure out where to go from here and the answer is: finish the master bedroom. We started the bedroom forever ago and it kind of got pushed to the back burner and instead of finishing it like normal people we started working on the foyer instead. The foyer also isn’t finish but it’s going to be a bit more work so we decided to just knock out the master bedroom first.
To recap since it’s been so long, this is what our bedroom looked like shortly after we moved in:
Two words: Needs. Work.
Our original plan was to rip out the closet (where that bi-fold door juts into the space) to make more room and give more options for furniture placement. Unfortunately, there are some structural elements to the closet that we didn’t know about and we can’t rip it out. So instead, we covered it in faux shiplap and decided to use the closet as a tv/dog nook. Here is a very professional rendering:
We also ripped out the carpet and replaced it with the same laminate floors we put in most of the rest of the house, painted the walls navy, installed sconces on either side of our bed, and painted the wood feature white. Oh and we took the ceiling fan out a long time ago and capped it. No pictures of all of that yet.
So now that we’re all caught up – here’s what has changed and what we still need to do.
Closet Nook -Ch-ch-ch-changes.
We are still planning on using the closet area for our TV but we are not building in dog crates. We decided against the crates for a few reasons – mostly because I don’t think the amount of work is worth it. The dogs only use the crates at night and occasionally when we’re out of the house and more than likely we’ll go back to letting them sleep out of the crates at some point. Plus, if we ever need to revert this space back to a closet, it’ll be a lot easier to do if we’re not having to tear out a built in structure. Bonus: this means that the electric fireplace that we have downstairs can move back in here. Once we add built ins to the family room the fireplace was going to become homeless so this actually works out well. I’m sure Kyle will love hauling it back up the stairs. Instead of built in crates, we’re going to put a baby gate up to the right of the closet and let them sleep in the sink area of our master bathroom which currently doesn’t really get used and will give them more snuggle space.
The only other thing we have to figure out is whether we still want to add shelves in the upper section of the nook. Hmm.
Trim Work.
Window trim and baseboards are all finished but we still need to add crown. One of the hold ups has been deciding what crown we want to use throughout the house and we recently decided that we just want to do some simple flat trim – probably using finger joint boards.
We still need some decor pieces and to figure out what looks best where plus we have a giant gallery wall to install of all of our framed artwork that doesn’t have a home. Not to mention making our usually unmade bed look nice, tidying up our nightstands, clearing off the sofa in front of the windows, and lugging our entry rug upstairs to see how it fits in the space.
Walls and installed trim are all done but I still haven’t painted the bedroom doors Kyle and his dad installed forever ago.
So that’s the plan! Now we just have to find the time and energy to do it.
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