This was a weird week. It felt really fast and really slow all at the same time. Part of me thinks “FINALLY the weekend” and another part of me thinks “Friday already?!”
I said in my last Friday post that I was going to decorate for Fall this week but that hasn’t happened yet other than the 3 heirloom pumpkins sitting on the porch that I bought from Publix the other day. I think this heat and humidity is making me a curmudgeon about Fall even though I’m normally all over it. I’ve also been insanely busy at work for the last several months so when I’m at home I like to just not do much of anything.
I also said I was hoping to get a post up about our bedroom but I didn’t do that either. Next week, I promise! I want to make sure I have pictures but our room (and entire house) is a disaster zone. Yes, I realize this has never stopped me before but ya know the times they are a changing, I guess. There’s a to-do list down at the bottom of this post if you’re interested.
Last weekend we went up to Autumn at Oz in Beech Mountain with friends. Kyle and I went up to Beech for the first time earlier this summer and fell in love. It’s a small ski town in North Carolina and something about it is super charming. The views are incredible and the weather has been gorgeous both times we went. The airbnb we stayed in this time could have been better – there were a few issues we either didn’t pay enough attention to in the listing (our fault) or weren’t made aware of (host’s fault). We’re thinking about making it an annual thing although next year I think we want to check out nearby Banner Elk which also looks cute. If you follow me on Instagram (or if you check out my sidebar here) you got to see a couple of snaps from our visit to the Yellow Brick Road at the Land of Oz.
I am 6 weeks away from my 10k and have been slacking super hard on training. I need to get off my butt and get back to running. Right now I’m maxed out on 3 miles and I haven’t gone on a run in a week or two.
We’re also just a few weeks out from the Fall One Room Challenge and we have officially decided on our space which means I really, really need to finish up our bedroom. Off the top of my head here is what needs to get done:
- Move sconces
- Move rug from foyer
- Finish closet tv nook
- Paint doors
- Touch up paint walls
- Hang art
- Move over-sized mirror out of room (it just doesn’t fit now that we’ve moved the bed)
It’s really not a long list it’s just buckling down and getting it done!
Hope you all enjoy your weekend and stay safe if you’re in Florence’s path!
I’m excited to see this elusive bedroom post! 😉 And I totally get not being in the fall spirit yet. It’s too hot and there are still bugs out!
Haha it’s not even really an exciting post which is probably why I haven’t started writing it. I think temps are supposed to start dropping here in about a week and I’m so ready!