It’s happening!
We had originally said we weren’t going to do any new projects this year but I am super excited to tell you guys that we have decided to go ahead and renovate our laundry room! This picture is several years old but the room is an out of control mess right now so here it is at its nicest.
The laundry room in our house is tiny. I think it’s roughly a 5×6 space that fits our washer and dryer, the door to the garage (which opens into the laundry room), and another door into the rest of the house (which also opens into the laundry room). It’s also the very first room we “finished” when we moved in by painting the cabinets and walls and adding a counter over the washer and dryer. This is what it looked like when we moved in.
Before adding the barn door in our foyer, we would regularly keep the laundry room door closed so that we didn’t have to worry about any of our pets running out when we came in from the garage. Any time we would both be coming in or out we’d have to do this weird little shuffle dance so that we could close the garage door before opening the other door. It was incredibly obnoxious to do with the two of us, even worse with groceries, and nearly impossible once we added a car seat we had to carry in and out of the house.
Now that we have the barn door in place, we have been leaving the laundry room door open and it has helped some but the space is still way too tight. We’re planning on taking down the wall between the laundry room and that built in bench and luckily for us, there is also a closet right behind the laundry room that we can expand into.
For years we have used this as a place for our cats to do their business and hang out. I feel kind of bad evicting them but we can gain another 2-2.5ft to our laundry room by taking the wall down between the two spaces which I have already started doing.
Here’s the first draft of the new layout which I already know will need to change:
That empty corner space is where we had planned on stacking the washer and dryer. Adding the cabinetry is going to add so much function to our downstairs that I can hardly stand it! First though, we have to finish opening up the walls and see what we can do about what’s behind them. I’ve already found a good bit of plumbing, some of which we’d like to move and some we’re hoping we can work around. We also need to take a look in the ceiling because the ceilings in the laundry room and the cat closet are both low – probably about 7ft as opposed to a normal 8ft ceiling.
I’ll get more into the details of what needs to be done, what we plan to do, and what we plan to hire out later this week. We had planned on saving this project for the Spring One Room Challenge but in what is shocking news to absolutely no one, I am way too impatient to wait another couple of months so here we go!
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